Credit card accounts are now supported! This means you can now track ALL of your spending. Before, if you used your credit card for certain things, the credit card itself was just a category and those expenses were lumped together into that category. Not anymore!
The big difference between bank accounts and credit card accounts is of course, that when you add an expense transaction to a credit card account, the balance goes up, not down.
There is now a new category called “Credit Card Payment” that is basically a transfer from a bank account to a credit card account. A credit card payment transaction will obviously bring the balance down of the From bank account, and it will also bring down the balance of the credit card account.
We don’t however, calculate your credit card interest fees, so in order to sync your Kualto credit card balance with your real balance, you’ll have to enter those interest fees yourself as a transaction.
The following changes are also included in this latest update.
- There is a new report called the Transfer Report. It gives information about all of the transfers that have occurred between accounts, within the specified time period.
- The Category Report now supports an “All Accounts” option, which means it can show your category spending across all of your accounts. By default, the “All Accounts” option is selected. You can of course, also choose to view the Category Report for a specific account just like before. You can change the default “All Accounts” behavior in your preferences.
- We’ve also added a “Default Report Period” option to your preferences, so you can pick the time period that reports should show by default. If you always like to view the next 12 months instead of the next 6 months, you can set this in your preferences so that you don’t have to change this selection every time you view your reports.